My sweet Daphnee you were a challenge to potty train. I tried when you were about 2 years old, then 2 years and 4 months, then 2 1/2 years old. It was a frustrating. I knew you were ready to be potty trained you had all the signs. You didn't like to be wet or dirty. You could hold it, and you always told me when you needed a diaper change. So I asked your dad to take charge. The first day you had a few accidents but you had 2 successes. You held it in until you couldn't hold it anymore. It was frustrating. By the 3rd day we decided that it would be a good incentive to get you a Tinkerbell doll that you would have to earn by having no accidents! That did it. You finally had a day with no accidents and you have been doing well ever since. I love to hear you happily say.. I'm a big girl no more diapers for me! Hallelujah!
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