Friday, August 31, 2012

Olympic Birthday Party

 Your Birthday party Theme was The Olympics. Here we have the " Bean bag Shot Put" and the Olympic rings made out of balloons!
 Here is where the Junior Olympians sign in. Each guest got a sticker to represent what country they were competing for.

 The first event was the " Golden Rings" everyone had to eat a donut without using their hands.

 The Winners: Josh, Daphnee, Landon, Taegan.

 The next round of winners: Sophia, Presley, Aiden, McKaylee, Addison
 The next even was the " Bean bag Shot Put" 
Here are the winners: Daphnee, Taegan, and Addison
 Next was the " High Jump"
 The Winners: Landon, Brooklyn, and McKaylee
 The last event was the Final  Relay. First you had to drop a M&M into a jar from your nose, Then you high fived the next person. Then they picked up an M&M from a bowl with a spoon and walked to another jar and dropped it in, they had to do that 4 times. Then they high fived the next person and they had to pop a balloon. When that was done then they had to high five the next person and they had to roll the dice until they landed on the number 4!

 Here are all the winner! Good Job everyone!

 You opened all the awesome presents. You got lots of toys and things to color with! It was a great day!

Lunch was the last thing of the day. We sent everyone home with a cupcake and a goodie bag!

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